Easy-Care Plants to Boost Your Mood
As our days shorten and the temperature drops many of us may start feeling a little blue. Being stuck inside for what seems like half the year with nothing but dead trees and white snow to look at can take a toll on our mental well-being, but fret not - houseplants can help! Did you know that plants have many positive effects on us including improving our concentration and memory, reducing our stress levels, and just looking at them can even speed up our bodies natural healing powers! It’s true! Houseplants also increase the humidity of your home which is great for the cold, dry winters we get in Alberta AND plants keep our air clean by removing VOCs and toxins from the surrounding air. According to the clean air study by NASA, plants remove pollutants such as benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene from the air.
1. pothos
Pothos are known as the ideal indoor plant because they do incredibly well in low-light situations, and only need watering when the soil is dry to the touch. This trailing tropical comes in a variety of beautiful shades and variegations that add a bright pop of green to your space. Let the leaves trail across a bookshelf, or give it a structure to climb on - either way this plant is a crowd pleaser.
*If you’re feeling like a pro plant-keeper you can even try propagating a new plant for a friend from a leaf cutting!
2. Jade plant
Jade Plants are very hardy and also only require watering when the soil is completely dry, and don’t require bright direct light. This shiny succulent is thought to bring good luck and are often given as housewarming gifts. Jade plants can survive intense sunlight, heat, lack of soil fertility and water. In fact, Jade plants actually thrive when not pampered and will take on a reddish color in extreme sun. It is rare but not impossible for this little plant to even produce clusters of white to pink star-shaped flowers. This is the perfect plant for serial plant killers – they thrive on neglect!
3. Snake plant
Known for its air purifying abilities, Snake Plants come in a variety of colors and sizes. This plant is hard to kill, it tolerates low light and low humidity well which makes it a perfect indoor plant for our climate. This friend is slow growing, so you don’t have to worry about transplanting it to a bigger pot very often. Snake plants can become quite tall depending on the variety and look great in a funky pot! These guys are perfect for adding interest to bland corners of your home!
4. False Christmas cactus
False Christmas Cacti are actually not a drought tolerant cactus like the name suggests, this tropical thrives with bright indirect light and some humidity, but will tolerate dry conditions. More frequent watering than a true cactus is required, but when cared for properly you will be rewarded with neon pink blooms several times a year! As this plant gets larger it will drape beautifully over its pot and looks great on a pedestal or table corner.
5. sPider plant
Considered one of the easiest plants to grow, the Spider Plant is always a solid choice. It adds a fun dynamic pop to a space, looks great in a hanging basket, or on a table where its long, bright leaves make an eye-catching statement. As theses plants mature they will bloom in the spring, eventually developing babies, or ‘spiderettes’ which can be propagated into new plants!
*Bonus points - spider plant is non-toxic to cats and dogs
“Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.”
With the landscape becoming frosty and barren adding some lovely greenery inside will bring you much comfort and stress relief. Not a green thumb? That’s okay, the plants in this list are incredibly easy to care for but if you just can’t keep track of watering try to app ‘Planta’ - we’re not being paid to say this, it’s just a super helpful tool! Now go to the greenhouse!